The Fine Line: Finding a Poem’s Small Beginning

With Fawn Parker

Saturday, November 9
9:30AM – 11:30AM
Bus Stop Theatre (2203 Gottingen St, Halifax)

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The poet has the unique ability of drawing attention to words themselves while revealing an object, a sensation, a moment. Whereas John Gardner wrote about the novelist: “The writer who cares more about words than about story […] gets in his own way too much,” poetry on the other hand blooms around its language. In “The Fine Line,” a poetry workshop led by Fawn Parker, participants will discuss their favourite lines—first lines, last lines, anything in between—and look closely at what is happening, both mechanically and emotionally. Are we drawn to the line that surprises, that reveals, that reminds us of something? Do we like an end that hits like a punchline, a soft close that lingers? The group will spend some time writing a line, or a few, after which we will share and consider what might follow.


  • Fawn Parker is a writer from Toronto, currently based in Fredericton where she is a SSHRC-funded PhD candidate at the University of New Brunswick. She is the author of six books including her latest novel, Hi, It's Me (M&S). Fawn is the current Poet Laureate of Fredericton.