Whose Story Is It, Anyway?

With Christina Cooke

The Power of Point-Of-View in Fiction
Sunday, November 10
12:00PM – 2:00PM
Online via Zoom

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In this two-hour intensive, participants will delve deep into what makes point-of-view (POV) so crucial to crafting a compelling narrative. Participants in this online workshop will discuss the basics of the three main POVs, what differentiates them from one another both structurally, and the fundamental strengths and pitfalls of each.ย 


  • Christina Cooke's debut novel BROUGHTUPSY (House of Anansi (CAN); Catapult (US)) was published in January 2024 and has been named a must-read title by over 20 publications across the US, UK, Canada, and the Caribbean -- including CBC Books, Indigo, The Atlantic, ELLE, and Cosmopolitan UK. Her short fiction and nonfiction has appeared in or is forthcoming from The Caribbean Writer, PRISM International, Prairie Schooner, Epiphany, Apogee, Michigan Quarterly Review, and elsewhere. A Journey Prize winner and MacDowell Fellow, she holds a Master of Arts from the University of New Brunswick and a Master of Fine Arts from the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Born in Jamaica, Christina is now a Canadian citizen who lives and writes in New York City.