Matinee at the Bus Stop

With Joshua Whitehead and Erin Wunker

Saturday November 9
4:00PM – 5:00PM (Doors Open at 3:30PM)
Bus Stop Theatre


Oji-Cree writer Joshua Whitehead of Peguis First Nation (Treaty 1 territory) talks with Erin Wunker about his genre-crossing work, and whatโ€™s next.


  • Joshua Whitehead is an Oji-Cree, Two-Spirit member of Peguis First Nation (Treaty 1). He is the author of full-metal indigiqueer, Jonny Appleseed, Making Love with the Land, and Indigiqueerness: a Conversation about Storytelling as well as the editor of Love after the End: an Anthology of Two Spirit and Indigiqueer Speculative Fiction. Currently, Whitehead is an Assistant Professor at the University of Calgary.

  • Erin Wunker is a writer and a teacher who lives in Mik'ma'ki.